Monday 26 September 2016

Taking a Break

View from Kandy-Colombo train one fine morning. Photo Credits: My pen pal Helen*

Let me start by thanking everyone who has been so supportive of this venture and who keep coming back to read the Girl With a Budget navigate Sri Lanka on a strict budget. As you would've noticed however, these trips aren't cheap; they cost money. Money that comes out of my not-so-big paycheck.

Coz that's the whole point here. Some of us (maybe most of us) live with our parents; we don't pay for water, electricity and food. Tripping with their money kinda feels like cheating, no? If they're generous enough to make you a rice packet every morning to take to work, then maybe we should take care of our own entertainment.

In order for me to take budget trips every few weeks, I save like a crazy person. So much so that my parents are convinced I'm a stingy person. I'm not. I spend generously on memories :)

I'm on a budgeting break right now, so Girl With a Budget will be spending most of her time in Colombo (work) or Kandy (home) earning money and saving it. And just like all of my #budgetingto posts, I'm inviting you to come with me. Save with me. Let's see how much we can collect by the middle of October, shall we?

Here's to Saver October! Woo hoo!

Next Week: #Budgetingto A Budget

*Name changed to protect privacy
*All pictures are subject to copyright © Asuka Randeniye 2016.

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