Monday 5 December 2016

December Vacation Hike

Hi everyone, long time no see! I've been so busy with work and all that I decided to take a quick break - except that break was the whole of November. #sorrynotsorry

Anyhoo, I am back and I am kicking off the December holidays in style. Four of us will be going on an EPIC hike+camp trip this upcoming weekend. Why epic you ask? Well, thanks to the Sri Lankan calendar gods we have not two, but FOUR DAYS (I just made that bold to show you how psyched I am :D) in that weekend (Monday and Tuesday are holidays). We will be going to Pattipola, Ohiya and Bambarakanda Falls for sure and depending on the weather, how tired we are etc. we'll improvise our route along the way.

Oh and did I mention the camping?? I am so excited that I don't even re... yes I did. Oh well.

About that... I have a confession: I've never been camping.

Ok, so I've been in a tent when I was like 5. Or maybe 6. That doesn't count. Thanks to some spectacularly protective parents, the most adventurous trip I've been on before I became an official adult was to the beach. 

Yep. *takes a moment to let the lameness of my childhood trips sink in.

So this is my moment to let all my childhood dreams and frustrations fly. Fingers - and toes - crossed that it's not gonna rain (literally) on my parade. 


Obviously, there won't be a post next Monday but keep your eyes peeled coz I will be tweeting and gramming my adventures and mishaps as much as my phone signal and battery will allow me. There's another big trip coming on but that'll have to be a secret for now.

He hee, welcome December! Onwards, hikers!!!

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