Monday 1 August 2016

Hi! I'm A Girl With a Budget :D

Not all of us who like to travel the world are blessed with dollars. If you're like me, a 20-something Sri Lankan who makes less than 50,000 rupees (about US$345) a month, then you will sympathize; after rent, bills, food and other essentials we hardly have any money left over to have fun globe-trotting.

Let's not forget that we're also supposed to save for the future - higher studies, marriage, kids, kids' education, kids' higher education, kids' marriage... you get the drift. 

So this blog is about my travels around Sri Lanka (hopefully the world too someday) while on a budget. I hope you guys enjoy going around with me on my travels, sympathize with my budgetary concerns and escapades and have a rollicking good time as well!

I'm Asuka and I'm a Girl with a Budget.

P.S. Soon to come - Budgeting to Namal Uyana!

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