Friday 26 August 2016

Girl With a Budget update!


I’ve been very lucky to be able to budget-trip A LOT recently. But as you guys saw, most of it was *cheating* with my family. He hee.

That is going to change.

My pen pal is here. Well, she’s gone back to England now but she was here for 2 weeks in early August. We’ve been pen pals since 2007. That is 8 and a half years people!!! We finally met this month and it was like I’d met myself from a parallel universe. Just with red hair.

So my pen pal and I budgeted our way around Sri Lanka doing a lot of touristy and not-so-touristy things too. This is a super short post just to let you guys know that the next few posts will be Helen and my (mine?) budgeting adventures.

Coming next Monday: we conquered Sigiriya!

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